Friday 1 October 2010

Brave New World - General questions

What character do you sympathise most /the least with ? Why?
Which scene in Brave New World do you find most moving? Why?
What aspects of scientific discovery seem to you most frightening in Brave New World?
How far have Huxley's prophecies been realised? What aspects seem to have clear parallels in our own society?
How does Huxley's use of Shakespeare contribute to our appreciation of the novel?
In what ways are people in our society encouraged to conform?

Brave New World - Chapter 18

Describe how John manages to find some peace at the lighthouse. What purifying methods does he apply?

Why do those peaceful days come to an end?

What do you think drives him to commit suicide?

Why do you think did Huxley choose such an ending to his novel?
Can you think of a different ending? What would the effect be on the reader?

Brave New World - Chapter 17

How different are Mond's and the Savage's views on religion?
Discuss the significance of the following quotes:
  • "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them." To what extent do you agree with this?
  • "Civilization has absolutely no need of nobility or heroism" p194-5
  • "If after every tempest come such calms, may the winds blow till they have wakened death." p195
  • "Nothing costs enough here." p196 "I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin." p197

How does Huxley create an atmosphere of frustation for John towards the end of the chapter?

Monday 6 July 2009

Brave New World - Chapter 16

  • Consider the attitude of all three (John, Helmholtz, Bernard) in the interview with Mustapha Mond.
  • What do we learn of Mond's attitudes and character during this conversation?
  • What was the Cyprus experiment and why did it fail?

Choose one or two quotes which you find interesting in order to comment on their relevance in class

Brave New World - soma

Open the link from Wikipedia to read about the existence and origin of "soma". This is placed within the concept of Hinduism, which you can further investigate.
From your reading of this entry, why do you think Huxley chose to name BNW's main drug "soma"?

Brave New World - Chapter 15

  • Why does John quote Miranda's words? How have they changed their significance?

  • "Linda had been a slave...; others should live in freedom, and the world be made beautiful. It was clear to the Savage what he must do..." What's John's sudden revelation? What does he do?

  • How differently do Helmholtz and Bernard react to the crisis?

  • How are the workers soothed down?

  • Where are John, Helmholtz and Bernard taken to?

  • What will happen to them? What do you think?

Brave New World - Chapter 14

    Consider the following:

  • Where has Linda been taken to? Why? Can you describe the surrounding atmosphere?

  • What are the kids doing there?

  • As John stands next to Linda, why does he get so enraged?

  • Since the very moment John steps into the hospital, what reactions surprise the nurse?

  • "Obstinately the beautiful memories refused to rise, there was only a hateful resurrection of jealousies and uglinesses and miseries." p167 What memories does John recall? Which does he want to recall?