Monday 6 July 2009

Brave New World - Chapter 12

I'd like you to consider a couple of things to discuss in class..

  • What does Lenina attribute John's not wanting to come out of his room to? (p142)

  • What language does John use in moments of distress and fury? How can you account for that?

  • Read carefully the extract involving Mustapha Mond. "What fun it would be if one didn't have to think about happiness" How do you interpret his words?

  • Please, note: "O she doth teach..." p 145This extract from Romeo and Juliet epitomizes romantic love, which John worships, as distinct from the temptations of the flesh, described in the next par in connection with Lenina and the Arch-Community-Songster.

  • "One of the principal functions of a friend..." p147 A piece of psychological truth: because our friends are accesible and vulnerable, we sometimes take it out on them.

  • Why did Watson and John take to one another at once?